sylvie beljanski, j.d.

FEBRUARY 26, 2022
Sylvie Beljanski, author,
Winning The War On Cancer The Epic Journey Towards a Natural Cure
In 1990 French President Francois Mitterrand was officially diagnosed with advanced Prostate Cancer. He was two years into his second term of office. He had been sick for several years but the French President's health situation had been kept secret. By 1992, with three years left in his second term, the President was clearly sick and surgery could not be delayed.After surgery, the President's surgeon declared that nothing could be done as the Cancer had already spread too far. He suggested administering morphine for the pain and preparing the country for early elections.
But Mitterrand, as any good French story goes, had a mistress, and his mistress's family doctor was known to have outstanding results with Prostate Cancer by using the Mirko Beljanski, PhD herbal extracts Pao pereira and Rauwolfia vomitoria.
Francois Mitterrand began to get better. In a 1995 interview in Paris Match, Francois Mitterand acknowledged that the Mirko Beljanski herbal extracts were helping him.
Mirko Beljanski, PhD- one of the first green molecular biologists - discovered that natural molecules can selectively target cancer cells and work alongside many chemotherapy drugs.
Sylvie Beljanski, Founder of the Beljanski Foundation, was born in New York City. Her father Mirko Beljanski was working with Nobel Prize winner Severo Ochoa. Sylvie was raised in Paris where she received her law degree.
Sylvie Beljanski wrote Winning The War On Cancer The Epic Journey Towards a Natural Cure. This is the true story of Sylvie's quest to let us know of the work of Mirko Beljanski, PhD and his success in discovering a new treatment for cancer.